Services & Fees

I have bases both near Newcastle NSW and in Sydney where I most often work, but will travel to mediate disputes elsewhere in regional NSW (or interstate if required).


My ‘daily’ fees (ordinarily, split between the parties) are:


Full day mediation – $4,250 
9am – 6pm (including 2 hours preparation)
Half day mediation – $2,500 
9am or 2pm for 4 hours (including 2 hours preparation)



Any additional time, for example extra preparation if many documents are involved; or for mediations that run over their allotted time, will be charged at $350per hour.


I do not charge for travel to Sydney, Newcastle or Wollongong; or to venues within 2 hours drive from Sydney or Newcastle. Please feel free to contact me about any specific venue and whether travel costs might be involved. If overnight accommodation or air travel is required to attend a mediation, that is charged at cost (but with prior agreement).

I do not arrange mediation venues and leave that to the parties (but to assist parties there is a downloadable non-exhaustive venues list on the ‘Documents and links’ tab.).

An invoice will issue promptly after each mediation and is payable within 14 days of issue unless otherwise agreed by me, in writing.


I will consider reduced rates for legally aided or pro bono matters - please contact me to discuss further if this is relevant.


Any mediation cancelled within 48 hours of its scheduled commencement time may be charged at 50% of the applicable daily fee. Any mediation cancelled more than 48 hours before its scheduled commencement will not incur a daily fee, but  any preparatory work already completed will be charged at my hourly rate.